Bacteria vs Cyanobacteria

Differences between Bacteria and Cyanobacteria 4.1/5 (222)

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Differences between Bacteria and Cyanobacteria 

Cyanobacteria is also known as blue-green algae. They differ from other bacteria in that cyanobacteria possess chlorophyll-a, while most bacteria do not contain chlorophyll. Chlorophyll-a gives them their characteristic blue-green color.

Bacteria vs Cyanobacteria

Differences between Bacteria and Cyanobacteria are given as follows:

S.N. Characters Bacteria Cyanobacteria
1 Size Comparatively smaller. Comparatively larger.
2 Distribution Found every possible places in earth. Only found in presence of sunlight and moisture.
3 Flagella May bear flagella. Flagella always absent.
4 Cell wall 1-2 layered. 4 layered.
5 Composition of cell wall Glycolipids and peptidoglycan. Cellulose and pectin.
6 Nutrition May be autotrophic or heterotrophic. Usually autotrophic.
7 Photosynthetic pigments Photosynthetic pigment is bacteriochlorophyll. Photosynthetic pigments is chlorophyll a.
8 Accessory pigment Absent Accessory pigment like phycocyanin and phycoerythrin are present in dominating form.
9 Reserve food Glycogen Cyanophycean starch
10 Spore formation Is endogenous. Is not endogenous.
11 Hydrogen donor During photosynthesis hydrogen donor is not water; as a result oxygen is not evolved. Thus photosynthesis is anoxygenic. Hydrogen donor is water, oxygen is evolved. Process is oxygenic.
12 Locomotory organ Flagella act as locomotory organ. Lack flagella and other locomotory organ.
13 Heterocyst Absent Present.
14 Sexual reproduction Takes place by conjugation, transformation and transduction. Totally absent.


  1. Biologyexams4u
  3. A textbook of Biology.
  4. Reader’s Smooth Biology.

Differences between Bacteria and Cyanobacteria 

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