3 day culture of Helicobacter pylori on blood agar

Cultural Characteristics of Helicobacter pylori 4.5/5 (46)

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Cultural Characteristics of Helicobacter pylori

  1. They are micro-aerophilic, require 5-10% CO2 and high humidity.
  2. They are fastidious organism.
  3. They grow best at 37°C but not at 43°C and below 30°C.
  4. Growth is best on blood agar and chocolate agar after incubation for 2-5 days. Colonies are circular, convex and translucent and grow bigger than 2 mm in diameter.
  5. On Columbia blood agar they give small, dome shaped translucent and sometime weakly hemolytic colonies.
  6. On modified Columbia urea agar (MCUA) – give small-middle size rounded and creamy color colony. Change in the color of the slant MCUA tube from orange to pink.
  7. On Marshall’s Brain Heart Infusion medium along with Vancomycin, Nalidixic acid and Amphotericin – give discrete dome shaped colonies.
  8. On Egg Yolk Emulsion Agar – give large (~ 3mm) and red color colony against yellow background.


3 day culture of Helicobacter pylori on blood agar

Helicobacter pylori colony morphology on chocolate agar

 Helicobacter pylori colonies on egg yolk emulsion agar

   Helicobacter pylori on columbia blood agar

Cultural Characteristics of Helicobacter pylori

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