Artery vs Vein

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Differences between Artery and Vein

There are two types of blood vessels in the circulatory system of the body. They are:
Arteries: that carry oxygenated blood from the heart to various parts of the body.
Veins: that carry deoxygenated blood towards the heart.

Artery vs Vein

S.N. Characters Artery Vein
1 Direction of blood flow Carry blood away from heart to various parts of the body. Carry blood from the various parts of the body towards the heart.
2 Wall Thick walled so do not collapse when cut or after death. Also more elastic. Thin walled and collapse when cut or after death.
Are less elastic.
3 Tunica externa Less developed and less strong. More developed and more strong.
4 Tunica media More muscular. Less muscular.
5 Tunica interna Endothelial cells more elongated. Endothelial cells less elongated.
6 Types Pulmonary and Systemic artery. Superficial veins, deep veins, pulmonary veins and systemic veins.
7 Lumen Narrow. Wide.
8 Layer of Muscle tissue Thicker to support the high pressure of blood. Relatively thin.
9 Nature of blood Oxygenated except pulmonary artery. De-oxygenated except pulmonary veins.
10 Position Deep seated except wrist, neck, etc. Superficial.
11 Color Red. Blue.
12 Blood pressure More (generally 120/80 mm of Hg). Less.
13 Valves No valves Valves are present that prevent back flow of blood.
14 Amount of blood About 15%. About 65%.
15 Movement Spurty movement of blood. Sluggish movement of blood.
16 Pulse Detectable. No detectable.
17 Contraction of muscle Present. Absent.
18 Disease Atherosclerosis. Deep vein thrombosis.


Differences between Artery and Vein

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