Nervous system of earthworm

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Nervous System of Earthworm

Ganglion of ganglia

It is the fused form of nerves. It is found in all segment.

The nervous system of earthworm is well developed. It consists of 3 parts:

  1. Central nervous System
  2. Peripheral nervous system
  3. Sympathetic nervous system

Nervous system of earthworm

  1. Central nervous system

  • This part of nervous system lies along the mid-line of the body.
  • It consists of 2 parts: Nerve ring and Ventral nerve cord.

    a. Nerve ring

    It is ring like spherical structure which lies around the pharynx in 3rd and 4th segment.

          It has 3 parts:

         i. Supra-pharyngeal ganglia

  • Also called cerebral ganglia.
  • They are bilobed in structure.
  • A pair of whitish pear-shaped supra pharyngeal ganglia fused to form brain.
  • Lies dorsally in the 3rd segment in the depression between the buccal cavity and the pharynx.ii. Circum-pharyngeal connectives/ Peri-pharyngeal connectives
  • From either side of supra-pharyngeal ganglia, a pair of thick short band circum-pharyngeal connectives arise which enclose the pharynx.
  • It is outer buldging part which extends from 3rd to 4th segment.iii. Sub-pharyngeal ganglia
  • Found in lower region of nerve ring which lies in 4th segment.
  • Ventrally Circum-pharyngeal ganglia meet with a pair of sub-pharyngeal ganglia. Thus a complete nerve ring is formed around the pharynx.

     b. Ventral nerve cord

  • It is long thread like double layered structure, which arises from the posterior part of sub-pharyngeal ganglia and runs the posteriorly up to the last segment of the body.
  • Extends from 5th to last segment.

          NOTE: Nerve cord are two in number but they are fused. So they are called double ventral nerve cord.

          It has swelling bulb like structure in each segment called segmental ganglion.

  1. Peripheral nervous system

Those nerve which arise from different parts of central nervous system are called peripheral nervous system.

Following pairs of nerve arise from brain:

  1. 8 to 10 pairs of nerve arise from brain which communicates or innervate or supply to prostomium, buccal cavity and pharynx.
  2. 2 pairs of nerve arise from cirum-pharyngeal connectives which supply to the wall of prostomium and peristomium segment.
  3. 3 pairs of nerves arise from sub-pharyngeal ganglia which supply to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th segment.
  4. 3 pairs of nerves arise from each segmental ganglion which supply to the various parts of segment, gut wall, body wall and other internal organ.
  1. Sympathetic nervous system

          Sensory and motor nerve fuse to form nerve plexuses which moves ventrally through alimentary canal.
These plexuses are connected with the peri-pharyngeal connectives.

Nervous System of Earthworm

(Visited 63,964 times)

11 Replies to “Nervous System of Earthworm”

  1. King DDT

    The worked was highly organised and easily followed… has helped me very much to learn the coordination in an earthworm….continue doing the same… Thx

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