Differences between Dengue and Chikungunya
Please rate this Please Rate 0 1 2 3 4 5 Differences between Dengue and Chikungunya Dengue and chikungunya are transmitted by the Aedes mosquito, a species that bites during daytime. Dengue is the fever caused by the bite of Aedes aegypti whereas Chikungunya is caused by the bite of both Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti. Differences between Dengue and… Continue reading "Differences between Dengue and Chikungunya <span class="rating-result after_title mr-filter rating-result-390" > <span class="mr-star-rating"> <i class="fa fa-star mr-star-full"></i> <i class="fa fa-star mr-star-full"></i> <i class="fa fa-star mr-star-full"></i> <i class="fa fa-star mr-star-full"></i> <i class="fa fa-star-half-o mr-star-half"></i> </span> <span class="star-result"> 4.46/5</span> <span class="count"> (26) </span> </span>"